Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 24 What I Have Learned

So, I have been thinking a lot about this one.
I mean you don't realize what you've learned until you actually give it some thought.

I should've carried a list around with me as the ideas came to me as I was brushing my teeth, driving, cooking, etc.

I am going to give it a try...
*when mom (me) is in a bad mood, the whole house is in a bad mood. (so true on monday!)
*i can handle more then i thought possible.
*i can't handle as much as thought possible.
*my mom/dad was right, about so many things.
*to be kind, you never know when someone's really going through it.
*holding hands with spouse can make the anger/hurt go away.
*everything will get done, don't fret.
*if things get done late, don't fret.
*don't fret, it's not worth it.
*a child's note, hug, touch or kind word/deed can brighten even the hardest of days.
*it's okay not to follow the recipe sometimes.
*God's grace humbles me.
* tomorrow is a new day.
*putting others first is not always easy or convient, but well worth it.

there i think that's it.


Haynay said...

What a great list! I was going to read bunches of blogs, but I think I'll stop on yours! Love it!

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

I think I really ree-hee-heally needed these today! Thanks, girlfriend. Whew. It's been a day.