Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Starting off

January has started off to a good start.
The 1st we were in church, car started making a funny noise and the kids have a cold.
The 2nd found me in the grocery store and our clothes were being done for the third time at the laundromat.
$50+ in quarters, waiting on the fix-it man to fix our washer.
 (photo not mine)

We (our church) are also in a three day prayer and fasting.
"Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of it's sorrows, but only empties today of it's strength." Charles H. Spurgeon


January 3rd found me shopping for daughters 16th b-day party.
I also bought this, (a little early b-day present to myself) to motivate myself to burn off all of those holiday calories (and then some).


Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Sounds like your January is going exactly like ours. Just swapped out a washing machine tonight, in fact.


shelly said...

Oh my gosh---ours too, except we had pukey flu and I get to have a root canal next week! Gack!!!!

We're starting 21 days of prayer and fasting..great way to start the year off right :)

We're also doing a 30 day fitness challenge AND going hardcore primal eating (I don't know what will be worse, no dairy and grains or a root canal lol!)

Anonymous said...

jillian michaels! wooo, you go christine!:-)