Sunday, February 20, 2011

day 23...fave vacay/our story

While I have LOVED every trip to Mass/New England, I would have to say my favorite vaction was when hubby, then boyfriend, took me back home.
It was a month long.  It was the first time I had been to the east coast.  It was a first for so many things.
warning: We could've been on what not to wear, but we were in love! 
And it was 1991.
Matching military jackets...sweet.  On the ship to Nova Scotia.  We went with his mom and sister.  We also saw Halifax, Canada and went to a Scotish Fest.  Nova Scotia is where he proposed, sort of.  I believe we were in these hip jackets.

It's a good thing the rest of the pics got cut off...heehee!  This was taken in Halifax, Canada too.

I really married up, wouldn't you say.  For the first fews months (and sometimes still) I would just look at my hubby and think "Wow.  How did I get someone SO good looking".
The note in my photo album says this is in Plymoth. Mass., but it looks like the public gardens. hmm...

 In front of the John Hanncock building in Boston.  Made me dizzy looking up.

 I HAD to see a lighthouse.  Here we are in Maine.  That is his dad.  To imagine that those bangs used to be a mile high in high school.

Opps, this is a bit out of order.  This is back in Canada.  We took a walk by our hotel, The Bluenose, and found our "future cars".  I don't know what is better the paint job or the short cut offs.

My first corn field.  Illinois.  We visited his grandpa.  We drove there from Ma. with his parents.!  While there we went to an amish place.  Also, the reversing falls.  Very interesting.  Ate the BEST corn on the cob and had rhubarb pie with a very sweet old lady.

Niagra.  My hubby doesn't stand like that.  Don't know what was going on there.
I saw SO many things and places.  I honestly couldn't take it all in.  I met his friends and family.  Got impersed in New England culture, tasted blue berries, had Moxie, drove through every state from Mass to Canada.  Had candy at Bah Habah (bar harbor), fell in love with the Red Sox, and ALL things Mass. 

Oh, hubby was in the marines then, so while on vacation he let his beard grow.  And boy did it grow. 

1 comment:

Mandi@TidbitsfromtheTremaynes said...

Oh how the 90's rocked! You guys are adorable! I always wanted a cornfield picture. Dern it.